Managing Cancer Care
When you or a loved one is diagnosed with lung cancer, you might feel shocked, devastated and probably many more emotions. That’s okay. We’re here to help you make sense of everything and give you the tools you need to be an active participant in your lung cancer journey.
Taking Control of Your Cancer Journey
Find out more about action plans for your stage of cancer.

Know Your Healthcare Team
Treating cancer can require that many different types of doctors, nurses, and specialists become part of your healthcare team. Learn about their roles in your cancer care.
Be a Part of Your Healthcare Team
It’s important that all the doctors in your team know the full extent of your care. And learning as much as you can about your cancer can help prepare you for what’s to come and help you feel more confident about your treatment plan.

Treatment Options
Additional Resources
Explore more topics related to lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Basics
Information on the fundamentals of lung cancer, including risk factors, signs and symptoms, screening and early detection, and stages of lung cancer.
Living with Lung Cancer
Learn how to live well while managing lung cancer by prioritizing nutrition and exercise, dealing with stress, coping with fatigue, and more.
For Caregivers
Caring for someone with lung cancer is both rewarding and difficult. Learn about what you can do for your loved one during this time.