LVNG With Lung Cancer
The LVNG With Lung Cancer community is here to help you do just that. Live while managing lung cancer.
We offer potential ways to help you manage stress and understand the importance of nutrition and exercise. We can even help you navigate the personal highs and lows that you may experience with your lung cancer journey.
Get Tips on Building Your Physical and Emotional Health
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Maintaining Relationships
Having cancer can be an overwhelmingly emotional and physical experience. It may, at times, even make you feel alone, closed off, or hesitant to be in social settings. But, remember that these feelings are normal.
Learn moreIntimacy During Treatment
Cancer and its treatments may affect sexuality. For some people during treatment, intimacy and sex are the last things on their mind. The possible side effects of treatment can make people too uncomfortable to even think about intimacy and sex.
Learn more
Additional Resources
Explore more topics related to lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Basics
Information on the fundamentals of lung cancer, including risk factors, signs and symptoms, screening and early detection, and stages of lung cancer.
Managing Cancer Care
Get the tools you need to make sense of a lung cancer diagnosis and be an active participant in your lung cancer journey.
For Caregivers
Caring for someone with lung cancer is both rewarding and difficult. Learn about what you can do for your loved one during this time.