Lung Cancer Resources
When it comes to your health, knowledge is power and support is invaluable. These resources cover a wide variety of topics to help keep you informed and empowered.
Lung Cancer Basics
Information on the fundamentals of lung cancer, including risk factors, signs and symptoms, screening and early detection, and stages of lung cancer.
Managing Cancer Care
Get the tools you need to make sense of a lung cancer diagnosis and be an active participant in your lung cancer journey.
Living with Lung Cancer
Learn how to live well while managing lung cancer by prioritizing nutrition and exercise, dealing with stress, coping with fatigue, and more.
For Caregivers
Caring for someone with lung cancer is both rewarding and difficult. Learn about what you can do for your loved one during this time.
Lung Cancer Basics
More than 200,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States each year. It begins in the lungs and can spread to surrounding lymph nodes.
See all Lung Cancer Basics Resources
Living With Lung Cancer
We are here to help you navigate the highs and lows you may experience on your lung cancer journey. Read about ways to help manage stress, maintain relationships, and focus on nutrition and exercise.
Learn more on how to live with lung cancer